
CountryBred logo
Screenshot of CountryBred website's home
Screenshot of CountryBred website "Private Travel to Europe" page
Screenshot of CountryBred website's section about expertise and heritage
Screenshot of CountryBred website's Chartered page
Screenshot of CountryBred website's Chartered Encounters page
Screenshot of CountryBred website's Switzerland page
Screenshot of CountryBred website's Switzerland page
Screenshot of CountryBred website's "Discover Our Ready to Book Collection" page
CountryBred cards
CountryBred card and envelope
CountryBred cards, envelope and sheets of paper

COUNTRYBRED needed to do a complete rebrand and update of their imagery to reflect the amazing travel packages they offer and to be more tailored to their target market. We started with a new logo and branding package. From there, we created a brand new website, print collateral, email templates, and more.